Madeline is a Clinical Assistant Professor at UNC School of Medicine in the department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry based primarily on the Child & Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatry Units. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Duke University, her B.A. in Psychology from Cornell University, and completed a Postbaccalaueate Intramural Research Training Fellowship at the National Institute of Mental Health.

In clinical practice, Madeline works with children, adolescents, young adults, and families. She prioritizes a trauma-informed, family-systems approach to clinical care. Her particular interests include trauma-informed care, mental health equity, and developmental trajectories of risk & resilience.

Outside of work, Madeline enjoys: exploring nature with her horse-sized dog, reading & writing poetry, and complaining about North Carolina humidity. Other things Madeline cares deeply about include: intersectional feminism, anti-racism & anti-oppression, LGBTQIA+ inclusivity, & laughter turning to tears & vice versa.